IF: Trick or Treat
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tales were told about the Thompson house. Word had it that they were known to give out whole candy bars. Many a Trick or Treater sought out this spot.
Superman tried to resist, but he couldn't withstand the allure of the mighty Kit Kat bar.
IF: Grow
Monday, October 22, 2007
IF: Extremes
Monday, October 15, 2007
IF: open
Friday, October 05, 2007
"Hey Buddy, I'll be right with you. Hey Buddy, you're up next. So Buddy, how is your semester going? Really, well that's great. How about that football team Buddy? Lean forward, I'm going to trim your neck Buddy. Ok, what do you think Buddy? Five bucks Buddy. Thanks Buddy, see you next time. Hey Buddy..."
Citation in MLA format
Buddy , Hey. Haircut interview. 04/10/94